Hope wrote that, “I support Speak Out because all of humanity needs a wake-up call, that if we continue doing things the way we’ve been doing them, we will end up with too many mouths to feed and with the planet continuing to get warmer and warmer; our finite water supply will run out. I understand wanting to have kids, but I stopped after one. If more people would be willing to accept that we are already in the midst of an overpopulation problem and be willing to sacrifice having multiple children then our children’s children will stand a much better chance at having a life, not merely struggling to survive. The more people Speak Out, the more the world is educated on our population crisis, then the more people will be willing to do something about it.”
To fulfill her pledge, she noted that “I have been sharing this website address and telling my friends and family about the book and I will continue to share the address and the point of the book; I even told the cashier at my pharmacy about it and she’s going to check out this site too. I am writing an essay about the world we live, where it is going and what kind of handbasket we will be in on the way. More specifically, how our population explosion is causing our planet to heat up and what can be done about it. More and more people, with less and less water available as the glaciers melt away, faster and faster toward extinction. My essay/ editorial will give some examples of what may happen globally once our water sources have been tapped out.”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.