Lyn wrote that, “The world is a heartbeat away from total and irreversible destruction. Only the human race is responsible for the state of the planet, only the human race can begin to recognise and reverse some of the damage we have thrust upon our planet generation after generation, in ignorance, greed, apathy and hopelessness.
The louder our voices, the ability to hand the power to the people, to make the irrelevant masses of the silent, the roaring voices of change. Voices that stop sponsorship of despicable events, take big advertising dollars away from destructive conglomerates and makes changes without violence or harm.
Animals Australia is a great example of this, and recently has all but shut down the horrid greyhound racing industry, a benevolent organisation, which uses wisdom, first sight, first hand examples. You have the brave eyes to see the horrendous destruction and unspeakable first hand as photographers (I am studying a degree in photography) so I understand how powerful an image can be.
It’s out time, however we can, to step up, to organise our murmurs into a blasting roar, which moves people from the uncomfortable to the tide of action that needs to happen and needs to happen now.”
She will commence with offline activities in support of Speak Out.
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.