Ned wrote that, “I exist in the cusp of a one mile long crescent moon hollow in the Ozark Mountain which, for 25 years, served as a public dump site. This 200 acres is now CLEAN, devoid of rusty beer cans, dead refrigerators, twisted truck parts, rotted baby diapers and ton or so of additional refuge. Across this ten year process, I have grown increasingly aware of what Man does to this Planet … on an infinite series of levels. We take ALL and leave nothing but the reflections of a few creative spirits.
The images from your book serve as powerful confirmation of what I KNOW in my gut. And, in many ways, what prompted me to abandon the big city and take on this raw, nasty place. Ironically, what your images so powerfully elucidate serve to confirm my personal notes / overview compiled just a few weeks ago. Not “universal” in nature but private … written with the expectation no one else “gets it.”
Just a few pages of observations based on world population changes within my life span. Would you like to see it? Nothing you don’t know, I am sure. Simply one person’s projection of future extinction based on observable reality. What your images make clear to me, especially the Mexico City tsunami, is that my observations are not mere doomsday fantasy but matter-of-fact acknowledgements of what so sadly appears to be Man’s imperative to consume this world … and the universe if available.
From this view, humanity is a massive, insatiable blight … by no means a new observation of fact. But NEVER in a single life span has this fact been so in-your-face! I as the writer of this and you as the reader may well be some of the last of our kind. “Negative?” Yes, it is.”
He shared a campaign postcard online.
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