City: Vermont
Country: Australia
Alexander’s proposal for OVER:
“The first thing I think about each morning is the suffering this world faces due to its over population. I am on the verge of dedicating my life to helping solve this problem to help preserve it’s sustainability and way of life. I am a Architect from Melbourne, Australia and have had a strong understanding of sustainability since I was young. This problem first occurred to me since watching David Attenborough’s documentary of population control. My methods for sharing this book are as follows. Firstly, I would like to have a copy in my office at work which has hundreds of professional industry people visit each year. Secondly, I would like to use social media to highlight that this is the number 1 issue that needs to be raised at the world G20 summit. Finally, I would like to put the word out to people through the use of verbal communication showing them examples in this book and even putting stickers on my car an encouraging others to do the same. I applaud this site and its efforts to raise attention to save this world. Rather than governments spending countless dollars on weapons and other industries, you have created an idea which potentially, will preserve our life and way of life on this planet. I really look forward to being a part of this and hope if you ever need an advocate in Australia, how I can be part of something bigger.”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.