City: Los Angeles
Country: United States
Andrew is a professor of architecture and urbanism. Here is his proposal for promoting OVER:
“I teach a seminar course on urban systemics and city formation. In the course plan, I cover the ideas and forces that form cities from historic to contemporary trajectories. The sections of the course plan where I believe your book can have special relevance are the sections where I cover the Migration, Urban Sustainability, Effects of Globalization and Rapid Urbanization themes. As a regular part of the course, I encourage students to submit their papers written throughout the semester for an end of semester Best Papers contest where 3 papers will be selected as best examples of scholarship generated throughout the semester. As part of the contest, the winning paper authors will receive not only the academic honor but also a gift in the form of a book. Would be fantastic to award the next group of wining authors with a copy of Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot. Thanks for your consideration. BTW, the contest takes place at the end of the fall semester of the academic year.”
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