City: Frankfurt a. M.
Country: DE
Daniel congratulates the Speak Out campaign, saying “this is really powerful stuff that is informative, stunning and alarming at the same time.”
His plans for OVER:
“For quite some time now I am a sustainability activist in private, which is why I totally dig your work here. Having my own website (, as well as being on the board of a local NGO calles ShoutOutLoud (, I have plenty of starting points to share your project and book respectively. Since we’re doing regular events with regards to the overconumsption of particularly the industrialized world (speaking about food waste, plastic trash, etc.) where we want to raise awareness for these challenges, I am thinking about several possibilities to raise consciousness for your work as well.
Therefore I would be very happy to receive some free copies of your book in order to spread the word. We’re a well know NGO in the Rhine Main Area by now, which is why I am absolutely sure that we can reach a critical mass of the general public here.”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.