City: San Diego
Country: US
Denny’s proposal for OVER:
“I am a former demographer/statistician (U.S. Census Bureau, 1967-68) and university sociology professor (1968-2002) who has been teaching Population Dynamics for over 45 years. I continue to do this in my “retirement” with my UU church here in San Diego and also with courses I offer at San Diego State University (SDSU) Osher Program. Frankly, your pictorial approach is wonderful–a needed refinement with which to present data and facts that too often dull people’s grasp of the demographic trends. Your material could supplement my teaching, and I would be able to acquaint people with your organization and publication. My first offering would be to my UU community (First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego), and the class size might number perhaps 10 persons. My second offering with Osher at SDSU might draw as many as 16-20 students, but that would occur at a later date (fall, 2015).”
Denny Braun, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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