City: Marion
Country: US
Dr. Shoup tells Speak Out:
“I am a retired biology professor (Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN). For the past 15 years my husband (a retired pollution control engineer for a major steel company)and I have been teaching an environmental science course (BIOL 210) for for non-science majors sponsored by Purdue University on our rural property in central WI. Students come here, camp out for a week and we have classes morning, afternoon, and evening, including required textbook readings, articles on the Internet, local field trips, and discussions. Students then have an extensive writing assignment due a month after they return to campus; this assignment attempts to integrate the concepts and ideas covered on site. Our emphasis is precisely on the topics included in this book; carrying capacity and limits to growth are central themes. Normally we have about 8 to 10 students each year.”
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