City: East Coast Demerara
Country: Guyana
Omar wrote the following and was awarded 4 books: “Since doing my undergraduate research project on global warming, I have been acutely aware of the imminent threat to human and other life that we have created by our irresponsible behaviours. We’re already at a point where a solution seem unlikely, or too late to make a difference.
One thing I have come to realise is that we must accept that there is no easy solution, and any hasty solution might only have unintended consequences that make things worse. In fact the crises of existence we face today might be aptly be summarised as The Tragic Tale of Unintended Consequences. But all is not yet lost. Repeatedly in my life, I have seen the power of the human spirit to rise and to blossom in the most tragic of personal circumstances. If we can somehow harness that unconquerable spirit and create critical mass, we can do anything.
What is most important for this to happen is a new narrative, a new story of what it means to be human and how we can live fully as humans without the superfluous trappings we are told will bring happiness. Our current narrative of prestige based on accumulation of wealth, comfort, prestige, and salvation by development is clearly sending us to hell in the express lane. Strangely, procreating has been made an element of this matrix of prestige despite its obvious counter evolutionary implications.
Therefore, this book is a critical addition to the literature and the inspiration needed in that quest for a new narrative. While I don’t have a new story, or a complete narrative to replace the current one we have, like all others who have realised the threat acing us, I want to do something. It’s a natural instinct for survival. And this book will help me to do two things: consolidate my personal philosophy of a new era of responsible living and also spread the message among those I know who have an active interest in doing something about this.
I am a young civil engineer and project management professional with a broad network of friends and associates in influential policy positions and also at grass root levels. At a personal level, enlightened with the information in this book, I can tap into my network and spread the message to such individuals, many of whom are looking for a convincing narrative of change, and also to distribute extra copies to those in organisations that have a large influence in policy making at governmental levels.
At a national level, Guyana is one of the first country to implement a Low Carbon Development Strategy. The ideas in this book will be a useful addition to the range of policy decisions that can be used by the government in its low carbon and conservation policies. I will therefore forward copies to the Office of the President, to the Office of Climate Change, and to the Office of the Prime Minister where I have personal contacts who will ensure the book reaches the right individuals. Further, I will forward to the government’s development partners such as the Inter-American Development Bank who are partnering with the government in implementing the low carbon strategy.”
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