City: Birmingham
Country: US
Scott is an Associate Prof. Dept. of Chemistry, UAB. His proposal for OVER:
“At UAB, I teach an introductory geoscience course to approximately 100-200 students, including students in the school of education who will work as teachers after graduation. My approach to teaching about planet earth is to focus on man’s exploitation of our natural resources. I use many scattered sources of information from the web, which at times is cumbersome. It would be easier to integrate information as presented in “OVER” into my classroom and online environments, thus leveraging the exposure this work would receive.
I am also the chair of the Committee on Science and Public Policy of the Alabama Academy of Science
and I am responsible for addressing scientific issues of concern for the Executive Board of the Academy. We are interested in these environmental issues, especially as they are relevant to both national and regional concerns (e.g., forestry, species diversity, power generation, etc.). “OVER” would be of assistance to me as I bring issues to the Executive Board for action.”
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