Global Population Speak Out (Speak Out) unites world-class scientists, academicians, opinion-leaders – and thousands of lay environmentalists and concerned citizens – to help bring international attention to the crises posed by overdevelopment and human population size and growth. Speak Out is jointly administered by Population Media Center and Population Institute.
The power of Speak Out is in the global network of organizations and individuals that participate, which in turn are connected to large numbers of other activist organizations and motivated individuals. Speak Out works to equip those already engaged in addressing environmental concerns with strong materials and messages to help them raise awareness and catalyze change. Speak Out 2015 featured a powerful book, sharable postcards, and a number of other ways to get involved.
Examples of previous Speak Out activities include: International Herald Tribune Op-Ed publications; major press coverage in Science Magazine, Grist, and the New York Times; campus-wide activism; birth control education seminars; movie screenings; community forums; small public demonstrations in the US and England; and many others.
The campaign map shows Campaign Friends (people who have put their name on the map in support of Speak Out), Campaign Activists (people who have pledged to help spread the word), and Book Champions (people who have requested free books to distribute). Join us! Put your name on the map!
Campaign Friends Campaign Activists Book ChampionsThere are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.