City: København N
Country: Denmark
Alexander is receiving three copies of the book. Here are his ideas for distributing OVER:
“I happen to have a group of friends who are strong believers in free market economy, and who consider that ecological problems are likely to resolve themselves through current efforts and technological improvements. I’ve often debated this with them, but it seems like they simply don’t really believe that the trouble is that bad, and cold numbers don’t help that much, as there’s always some other numbers “proving that it’s hard to say anything for certain”.
First, I’d like to present a copy of this book to them during some of our debate evenings, where we get together to talk. I hope that it’ll give them a more visceral feeling for the destruction and destabilization which is currently occurring, and perhaps to become more supportive of efforts to ensure a stable and ecological human society.
Furthermore, I am close friends with a few politicians in Denmark who are engaged in a more ecological human society – we share some of the friends mentioned above. I’d like to give them copies of the book as well, so that they can present it to some of their environmentally skeptical friends (which, being politicians, are many).
Finally, I used to live in a collective in a part of Copenhagen where there’s quite a few collectives and quite many people come and go. The people who live there are usually very environmentally friendly and interested in speaking out about this to the many people who come by the collectives. I’d like to offer my old collective a copy of the book to have around.”
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