Angennetta’s plan for sharing OVER:
“I recently attended a World View conference in Chapel Hill, NC where I heard an excellent presentation about Global Population Speak Out. It is truly fascinating! I am a school counselor and I am constantly looking for opportunities to engage our students in learning about sustainability. I sponsor our broadcast program and would like to use the book to share with students by highlighting a few photos a week. I plan to have the students research the facts behind the photo to share out on the broadcast. I will develop mini lessons for teachers to follow up with each broadcast. I am also developing curriculum to tie sustainability in with character education/development and Bucket filling. Someone planted the seed for me when I was a kid and I look at my students today and know that I have that same responsibility to them. Someone asked me this past summer on a trip to Costa Rica, “Who is responsible at your school for teaching sustainability, conservation, consumption, etc… I was totally embarrassed, the one person charged with that retired two years ago. My role as a school counselor is vast, academic, career, and personal/social competencies, anti-bullying, student intervention community referrals, student proficiency, etc… To me, it’s not a matter of if I can take on this one more thing…its how. With this book I can capture the attention and curiosity of 700 students and 50+ staff members…and with the hope of them sharing with their families and communities ….that will lead to 1000s more engaging in this critical conversation.”
I am requesting at least 3 copies of the book to also share with our PTA President and our School Principal to use in her school leadership team meetings , staff meetings, open houses, magnet fair, and school recruitment presentations.”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.