City: Broken Arrow
Country: US
Chris tells Speak Out:
“In my almost 10 years working with the Tulsa Area United Way’s 61 partner agencies, I quickly realized there were only a handful of organization in the local area that both educate the public about and advocate for the protection of our environment and our integral part of the natural cycle. Boy Scouts of America (Indian Nations Council), CampFire Green Country and Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma all do terrific jobs of instilling a love for and obligation to the Earth. Many prominent business leaders and conservationists serve on their boards as well. In fact, the Boy Scouts current leader haild from Alaska, where nature preservation is larger scale but very similar to that of Oklahoma with our tribal presences. All 3 groups protect certain native areas in the Tulsa metro area for the education and enjoyment of youth and their families. In addition, Oklahoma’s chapter of the Nature Conservancy is on the tip of awareness as it relates to business developments in the state and how they can impact our precious environment.
Our family marvelled at each page of the book (that I personally recommended the local library purchase) the day it arrived. I would love to share copies of your book with my local non-profit and corporate contacts that can affect change in our region. 3-4 copies would be tremendous, but any additional ones would be welcome and increase the impact even more. (I know my proposal is not very flashy/exciting, but I guarantee that in the culture of native Oklahomans, sublety and gentle word are often all it takes to remind us of our natural heritage and roles in the cycle of life on this planet. (Our state often seems slow to change, but once the tide turns – people better watch out for waves!) Thank you for your time and consideration. We love the book and can’t wait to see its role in our future!”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.