City: Wheatley
Country: Canada
David’s proposal for promoting OVER:
“I teach biology and science at Essex High School and will use the books as class reference materials (and loan out to other staff and students). I already teach about how human overpopulation is the basic cause of almost all environmental and social problems on the earth and how people and media seem to be totally oblivious to this. Even many of the environmental groups that I belong to fail to even mention human overpopulation as an issue. It drives me crazy. I would love copies of this book to help get across this message to my students and staff. I also would loan the book and bring it to some of the meetings of environmental groups I belong to, like The Essex County Field Naturalists Club (I am past president and VP, and a current executive member). I also like the picture of the BC clearcut to show my students why we need to recycle all paper products (and other materials) or this is what happens – I have seen the clearcuts and they made it clear to me personally why we need to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Thank you for producing this – a video would be awesome as well !!!
I also often have my students graph the world human population over the last 2015 years and graph a yeast cells population in a test tube and have them compare and predict how humans are overpopulating ourselves to death as the yeast cells do
also: conservation measures are important (like recycle, reduce, reuse) but, they are like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic unless we stop human population growth and then reduce the human population through education, etc. so that people will have less kids (0,1,or2 kids per couple will get our numbers down reasonably well and reasonably quickly to reduce a catastrophe).
I own 92 acres of land that I have been restoring back into natural habitat (wetlands, forests, prairie, meadow, etc.) to compensate for damage done by humans – 23 acres left to go !!!”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.