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Indraneil Chaudhury

City: Gurgaon

Country: IN

Impact Narrative

Indraneil’s plan for promoting OVER:

“I’m a 20 year old psychology student at a local university in the city of Delhi. I take organize and judge events that you may be familiar with, Model United Nations. You can visit the Wikipedia page, or you can contact me if you wish to understand this concept better.

I think these books would help these debates tremendously. As you may realize, it is very difficult for children, even if they are 22 years old, to actually tangibly grasp the realities of the issues they debate for three days.

When they talk of treaties like the Kyoto Protocol, or they talk of the debate at the Rio summit, they find it incredibly difficult to actually comprehend the magnitude of the implications. I’ve noticed that pictures help. Documentaries help. Jargonistic debate over technical matters only distance them further from the purpose of these conferences. Because of this distancing, these events have seized to attract young minds unless money is involved. Huge sums of money are now distributed as prize money and the organizing committees feel that awards in the form of books would not be able to attract the masses. In the pursuit of keep the institution of MUN alive, it has lost a substantial amount of it’s purpose. I want to restore some of that purpose.

If you would be so kind to send even 5 copies, I would distribute those as awards among the children who win these events, or to children who deserve an award but did not meet the criteria, in the hopes that if the debate did not change the way they viewed the world, at least these books would.”


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