City: Urbana
Country: United States
Max wrote: “I am a population activist and researcher. Currently completing a PhD dissertation and book that argues for population reduction. Have presented papers on population problems as ESA, PJSA, NCSE, PAA and EAERE meetings. I send weekly “diatribes” on population issues to opinion leaders, foundations, authors, friends and relatives, et al. I also submit occasional essays and book reviews to Population Matters, CASSE, MAHB, etc. I have a couple of proposals very much along the lines of what you are doing. Indirect marketing by convincing key people to talk about population. Also an ecological literacy for faculty proposal. Moving the public mind requires major resources (see Merchants of Doubt for bad examples). I think major PR campaigns are needed to address abortion and the Catholic position on family planning. I’ll submit a review of the book to half a dozen websites including Population Matters and CASSE.” Max will be working with 5 books.
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