Melissa’s proposal for OVER:
“I am a VIF (Visiting International Faculty) teacher from England. I am here in NC to teach about globalization and culture in everyday lessons and throughout the school. I believe this book will enable me to teach our future adults about the state of the earth and how we should take care of it, starting now! I think a photo a day could slowly expose children to the world around us and open topics of conversation which will be embedded in the child’s mind for the future. Based on the VIF program I complete modules incorporating globalization. This book would act as an excellent resource for the modules which focus on introducing children to global concepts, putting them in touch with cultures around the world, preparing them for a future with 21st Century skills.
Lastly, I’d like to share it with our media specialist which would allow her the up to date resource to teach her lessons about our global impact on Earth. This would reach every child in the entire school during 40 minute lessons. Every child would have access to the the book, be able to look at it and reference it in the Media Center.”
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