City: Auburn
Country: United States
Norbert’s proposal for OVER:
“I am a retired professor of architecture, and I am spending much of my time working to minimize climate change. Because buildings consume about %50 of all energy, they are the main cause of global warming. I give lectures all over the world on how and why buildings must be low carbon. At each lecture, I present the equation that Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren created many years ago: I = P x A x T where I = impact on environment (climate change), A = affluence, and T = technology. I present this equation to convince my audience of what are the basic causes. I will use the book not only in my lectures which are mainly on how buildings must be designed as low carbon, but I also give guest lectures specifically on population at Auburn University. In addition, I will circulate the book at my Unitarian Universalist Church.”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.