City: Cincinnati
Country: United States
Peter wrote that he had purchased a copy of OVER from Amazon. He went on to say, “In the days that have passed, I have shown the book to more people and seen its full impact on them, which was powerful. This has put me on tract to push it very hard. If you still have some, and you would send some to me, I will give one to an eco-village here in Cincinnati that has a learning center, one to a countywide umbrella environmental organization that has a large membership of organizations and individuals within the area. I know the directors of both of these organizations. I would also take them to several appropriate branches of the Cincinnati Public Library and the main Covington Kentucky library where I would talk to the directors and see if there was a good place to put them where people would be sure to see them and look through them. There are other possibilities. I would also continue, provided I have enough to keep approaching individuals whose thinking can make a difference. I had Amazon send a copy to someone who edits my writing. She was moved like I never noticed before and is going to do what she can to show it to people and to see if the librarian, she knows well, in the town near where she lives will display it and get people to look at it. I continually see more opportunities. So, if you still have copies, have not already put me on your list, and this sounds worthwhile to you, please send me some.” Peter was sent 3 books.
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