City: Winston Salem
Country: US
Richard writes, “I was stunned speechless by the photos of Mexico City, Pyongyang, New Delhi, Taiwan… I feel the same today as I did last evening when I first saw them.
I like to think I am a good citizen by keeping up with current events and politics. I have watched various documentaries, I’m familiar with, I thought I had at least an intellectual understanding of the challenge of trying to care for 8 million humans on this planet. I have not had the opportunity to travel, however, and I don’t think any documentary I’ve seen has made as forceful a presentation as this stunning collection of images. They are overwhelming.
After I calmed down, I suppose I would start by taking it to my weekly discussion group at the local senior center. Winston Salem is a “Bible-belt” place full of wonderful, Christian people who, bless their hearts, mostly only know what they’re told in church. My discussion group (though it’s not a religious group per se) is certainly comprised of a variety of church-goers. My plan would be to start circulating this book around these churches, and see how many eyes can be opened to the predicament we are in. Who knows where the effort would lead?”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.