City: Baltimore
Country: United States
Stan’s proposal for promoting OVER:
“I belong to the Quaker Earthcare Witness (national group of ecologically-minded Quakers) and will take it to the annual meeting in the fall (about 50 folks from around the US). I will also take it to share with folks at the local Quaker Meeting and can make it available (e.g. pass it around) in a large undergraduate class I teach (at Johns Hopkins) “Population, Health and Development” in the fall. I can also get one to my Representative/Senator if they’re not already covered. (I’ve met with both before (Sen. Mikulski is on the way out so only 2 instead of 3 now) so have some history with them. I’m also notifying family about it.”
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.