City: Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Country: India
Vasantray’s proposal for OVER:
“I am reading articles by PMC since last one year actively after my retirement. I have come to conclusion that earth can not sustain growing population. There is urgent need to take steps to achieve “population stabilization’. There is no quick fix. However it is time leader of nations, specially from Asia and Africa , understand impact of population explosion. India is one of the major country contributing to population explosion. There are several social and political reasons for this. It is daunting task, however not impossible.
Together with some like minded people, we have started study to see how this task can be taken up. For this we are constructing a new website “Population stabilization and improving living standard- POSILS.ORG”. The aim is clear: Living standard can be improved by stabilization of population. Of course, there many other points associated with it. This book shall enhance my understanding on this topic and shall help in our action plan.”
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