City: Indianapolis
Country: United States
Dr. Barry Cournoyer, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, Indiana University wrote us and stated: “Now retired, I have become more motivated and more focused on increasing awareness among other social workers of the nature of so-called “human growth” and “human progress.” We have so little time to change our cultures, I would like to make a difference in the remaining 20-years or so of life I personally have. I intend to prepare a lecture/workshop to spread the word about overdevelopment and overpopulation, and about our moral obligation to view the earth as our creator and other living organisms as our brethren. I plan to start in Schools and Departments of Social Work in Indiana, and then spread to other states. My premise is that social work students and faculty are ready to use the content and material in OVER to help raise popular consciousness and engage in social action.” He was given
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.