City: Marblehead
Country: United States
David Barker wrote: “As a middle school teacher, I am constantly looking for ways to engage my students about the most important issues of our time. Most of my students have trouble relating to problems like overpopulation, poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation, however; in addition to being young, my students live in a very affluent (and very sheltered) community. They need compelling visual evidence to even begin to comprehend the scope and scale of the problems besetting other people around the world, and your book sends like like perfect medium with which to bridge their understanding. If you send me three copies of Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot, I will make one copy a featured component of my classroom library and two of my colleagues have agreed to do the same. This will expose many children to images and ideas embodied in your book, creating a generation of students who are more aware – and, therefore, more effective problem solved – than previous generation.” David was awarded 3 books.
There are many ways to participate! Together, we can raise awareness and bring about change.